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MADM: New Members join the MADM Alumni Family, as well as the MADM Programme

MADM coordinator Tobias Thürer bids farewell to the students of the previous MADM intake and welcomes those of the new intake.

Finally, it is done! 24 candidates from the last intake’s Cape Town and Bochum groups successfully obtained their Master’s degrees in Development Management (MADM). The members of the Cape Town group graduated in December 2017, while their student fellows from Bochum had their graduation at the end of February 2018. Our graduates now set their sails for new goals. Some of them chose the opportunity to strive for a second MA degree, an opportunity offered to the best graduates of the MADM programme by the IEE’s partner institutions from the University in the Western Cape (South Africa). However, most of the graduates are heading directly for practice, and we are happy that some of them have already secured assignments in the development sector so shortly after graduation. Against this background, we would like to wish our dear graduates all the best for their further academic and professional careers! We know that you are well prepared for your future endeavors, and we are looking forward to keeping in contact with you.

2018 03 GraduationMADMPicture of the MADM graduates of the Bochum Group (Photo: IEE)

New Intake of the MADM programme started in Cape Town

It’s time again for the IEE to welcome new student groups, both in Cape Town and Bochum, who start their studies in the MA in Development Management (MADM) programme. 12 students, stemming from 8 different countries, started their studies in Cape Town in May 2018. They will pursue their studies in the MADM programme for the next 1.5 years. It is noteworthy that nine of them are equipped with a scholarship of the South African-German Centre for Development Research, funded by the DAAD. Among these students, five joined the MADM programme for capitalizing on the so called “second degree” option, which forms part of the close collaboration between the Institute for Social Development (ISD) and the School of Government (SOG) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). while these students already study in a master programme at one of these institutes, they pursue a parallel study in the MADM programme. The feasibility of such a study strategy is facilitated in close cooperation between IEE, ISD, and SOG.

In August 2018, the Cape Townian students will meet their fellow students from the Bochum group for the upcoming Summer School in Germany. 19 new students of 16 different nationalities of the Bochum group will also start their studies in the MADM programme.

The IEE wishes a warm welcome to our new students: There is a lot of work ahead of you! But we are sure, with enough effort and passion, you will excel in your studies. All the best!

ThuererDr. Tobias Thürer
Coordinator MADM
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Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22458
Fax: +49 (0)234 / 32-14294


Institute of Development Research and Development
Ruhr University Bochum
Room 2.04
Universitaetsstr. 105
D-44789 Bochum
E-Mail: ieeoffice@rub.de
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22418