Evelyn Yohana Tique Calderón, MADM student of the intake 2022-2024, has recently published a research article titled "Determinantes de crédito agropecuario entre productores de leche en Colombia."
Determinantes de crédito agropecuario entre productores de leche en Colombia
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales. ISSN: 1578-0732.e-ISSN: 2174-7350. Vol. 23,2. (2023). pp. 61-90
Abstract: Associated milk producers in the Province of Ubaté (Colombia) exclude themselves from agricultural credit mainly because there are too many requirements, paperwork, and fear of not being able to pay the credit or lose the guarantee. Through decision trees, the determinants of the need, request and approval of agricultural credit are analyzed. The results indicate that the sex of the producers is the criterion that best separates the data and determines the other factors related to agricultural credit decisions: land tenure and area, productivity, educational level, and perceived difficulty.
To access the article: https://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/EARN/article/view/17658/16304