Anne Siebert, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Coordinator MADM

Short Profile
Anne Siebert is a researcher, lecturer, and coordinator of the MA in Development Management at the IEE. She is a social scientist and obtained a joint PhD degree in International Development Studies from the IEE and the Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She has worked and published on options for poverty reduction including urban agriculture, public nutrition, water supply, social protection, and public education. In addition, her research interests revolve around food politics and social movements, and how these have shaped dominant agri-food systems, governance, and rural-urban interlinkages. In these areas, she has conducted and supervised diverse empirical research projects. Her teaching experience comprises courses on research logic, social empirical research, and social science perspectives on development. Beyond that, she serves as a speaker for the German Association of Postgraduate Programs with Special Relevance to Developing Countries (AGEP).
Research Focus
- Global Water and Food Politics: Local Implementation and Impacts
- Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture
- Social Movements and “Responses from Below”, esp. Food and Agrarian Movements
- Post Development Approaches, Critical Urban Theory, and Critical Agrarian Studies
- Scholar Activism
- Winter Term 2024/2025 (24 October - 14 November): Social Science Perspectives on Development, Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, with Simon Rahn.
- Summer Term 2023, 12 - 23 June, Social Science Perspectives on Development, Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, with Simon Rahn.
- Summer Term 2021, 10-13 August 2021: Introduction to Qualitative Research – Interactive Online Workshop, with Raffael Beier, for lecturers and PhD students at the Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Winter Term 2020: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum.
- Winter Term 2020: Research Logic. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum.
- Winter Term 2020: Qualitative Research Methods, with Ruth Knoblich, Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum.
- Summer Term 2018: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, with Stefan Buchholz.
- Summer Term 2017: Qualitative Research Methods. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Raffael Beier, and Julien Lebourg.
- Winter Term 2016/2017: Qualitative Research Methods. Master Programme in Development Management, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, with Julien Lebourg.
- Winter Term 2016/2017: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Stefan Buchholz.
- Summer Term 2016: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, with Stefan Buchholz.
- Winter Term 2014/2015 (Summer School): How to Conduct a Field Survey. Master Programme in Development Management, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, with Buchholz, S., Hansen, M., and Thürer, T.
- Winter Term 2014/2015: Public Sector Management. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Ruth Knoblich.
- Winter Term 2014/2015: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Stefan Buchholz.
- Winter Term 2014/2015 (Summer School): Statistical Methods of Empirical Social Research. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Voß, W., Sadikhzahdeh, E., and Thürer, T.
- Summer Term 2014: Social Science Perspectives on Development. Master Programme in Development Management, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, with Stefan Buchholz.
- Winter Term 2013/2014: Research Methodology. Master Programme in Development Management, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, with Buchholz, S. and Knoblich, R.
Supervision of Master theses (MADM programme at Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of the Western Cape, South Africa):
- Drammeh, Seikhna (2024): Vulnerabilities and Resilience Strategies of Smallholders - the Case of Darsilami Community Gardens in the Gambia
- Edward Conteh (2022): Assessing the Governance Mechanisms and Management operations of Village Savings and Loans Associations in Safroko Limba Chiefdom Bombali District Northern Sierra Leone
- Theo philus Saah Kiah I (2022): "Assessing the Level of Citizen Participation in Local Development: A Case of Kollie-Dede Town School Project, Funded with the County Social Development Fund, Gibi District, Margibi County, Liberia"
- Marcellina Schmidt (2022): Promoting the right to education for pregnant girls and mothers through development practice in Tanzania: A Civil Society Organization´s human rights-based approach to development
- Ronald Ssegujja Ssekandi (2022): Community Participation in the Extractive Industries: A Case Study of the CNOOC Kingfisher Oil Project in Buhuka Parish, Uganda
- Shuvo Saha (2020): An Assessment of Food Assistance – A Case Study of the Bulakhali Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals Camp in Bangladesh
- Melisa Dlamini (2019): Assessing the role of Breastfeeding Campaigns in addressing the low rates of breastfeeding in the marginalized areas of South Africa: a case study of the Grow Great- Flourish Program in Soweto, Johannesburg
- Stefano Picciau (2018): Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation in Malawi: The Case of a Permaculture Project for Smallholder Farmers in Chibweza
- Hannah Posern (2016): Food Sovereignty in Urban Areas. Promoting Marginalized Communities through Urban Gardening. A Case Study of George, South Africa
- Kennedy Omollo Osano (2014): Public Participation in Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements: A Case of Kisumu City in Kenya