Dr. Britta Niklas
Research Fellow; Coordinator South African German Centre for Development Research; Coordinator PhD IDS

Short Profile
Britta is an economist and works since 1995 as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE), Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB), Germany. Since 2011 she is the coordinator of the DAAD funded South African-German Centre for Development Research at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. From 2013-2018 she coordinated the EU funded Erasmus Mundus Project “EUSA-ID”, and from 2020-2022 she coordinated the DAAD funded Afghan Economic Society. Since December 2022 she is the coordinator of the PhD Programme in International Development Studies (PhD IDS) at the IEE and is a lecturer in the MA Development Management at RUB and UWC, in the PhD IDS and at the faculties of economics and geography of RUB. She is a member of the American Association of Wine Economists and of the European Association of Wine Economists and focuses on economic research related to wine. She has published in Journals such as Agribusiness, Journal of Wine Economics, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Research, and Wine Economics and Policy.
Research Focus
- Microeconomics, Applied Microeconomics: Food and Wine Economics, (Sustainable) Agricultural Production, Growth and Development Economics, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects
- Climate Change
- Applied Panel Data Analysis
- Hedonic Models
- Grundlagen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (MADM)
- Research Methods and Methodology (PhD IDS)
Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses (MADM programme and BSc and Diploma programme in Management and Economics) with the following examples:
- Bogdady, Samaa (2024): Impact of Clean Water Availability on Women's Livelihood - a Case Study in Upper Egypt's Rural Communities
- Rua Valenzuela, Gabriela (2024): The Impact of Social Enterprise Interventions on the Economic Empowerment of Indigenous Artisan Women - the Case Study of Awamaki, Ollantaytambo - Peru
- Santos Tejada, Cynthia (2024): Assessing the Impact of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) on the Improvement of Livelihood - Case Study of the Supérate Program in Moca City in the Dominican Republic
- Boateng, Mary (2023): The Impact of Primary Health Care on Well-Being - a Case Study of Community Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) in the Oforikrom Municipality of Ghana
- Weber, Selina (2023): The Transfer of Life Skills of Youth Leaders in Sport for Development Organisations - the Case Study of Youth Leaders in Soacha, Colombia
- Zehm, Lara (2023): The Impact of Access to Electricity Through Off Grid Energy Supply on Rural Communities - A Case Study from the Northern Region of Uganda
- Hadi Hashemi (2022): The Impact of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) on migrants’ Livelihood: The case of ARIVET project for Afghan migrants in Mashhad province of Iran
- Anu Nieminen (2022): The impact of education of sustainable development (ESD) on students' environmental attitudes and behaviour: a case study of Kenyan Eco Schools
- Carolin von Janowski (2022): The impact of a community library on literacy skills: The case study of Bookfeeding Project in Podor, Senegal
- Marco Machnik (2021): A Matter of Taste? A cross-country comparison of South African export wines applying the Hedonic Pricing Method
- Jori, Eliot (2020): Impact of renewable energy projects on rural development. A case of Mashaba solar mini grid in Gwanda, Zimbabwe
- Egenti, Stanley (2019): Impact of agricultural development projects on the livelihood of smallholder farmers. A case study from the Fadama III project in Ebnonyi state, Nigeria
- Hussen, Amir (2018): The impact of the productive safety net program (PSNP) on food (in)security: The Case of Selti Woreda, Ethiopia
- Ortiz, Karen (2018): The other side of gender: Involving men in gender equality – A study from public middle and high schools in Huila, Colombia
- Lammers, Franziska (2016): "Because it trains my mind" – Assessing the Cognitive and Scholastic Effects of Chess Instruction in Primary Schools of the Soweto Township, South Africa
- Fusenig, Mirjam (2016): Why do wine producers seek Fairtrade certification? Perspectives from the Western Cape Province, South Africa
- Milensu Kapaipi (2015): Understanding Vocational Education and Training in Zambia
- Rubina Devrikyan (2014): Impact of Participation on Rural Development in Armenia
- Solveig Gleser (2014): The Irrigation and Poverty Nexus. A Case Study on the Effects of Micro-Irrigation on Poverty Alleviation in the Rural Western Hills of Nepal
- My Phung Lu (2014): Auswirkungen von Land Grabbing auf Armut und Ernährungssicherheit in Entwicklungsländern
- Collins Yeboah (2014): Participation as a Means of Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Boabeng Fiema Monkey's Sanctuary, Ghana
- Andreas Glanemann (2014): “Clean Development Mechanism”! - Eine Bestandsaufnahme
- Benjamin M. Backschat (2013): Bildung und Entwicklung in Subsaharah-Afrika - die Bedeutung der tertiären Bildung
- Jan Skoczek (2013): Indien als neuer Geber von Entwicklungshilfe - Eine Bestandsaufnahme“
- Frauke Schlingermann (2013): Die Auswirkungen der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise auf Entwicklungsländer - eine Bestandsaufnahme
- Sebastian Ley (2012): Neue Geberländer in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – Chancen und Risiken für Empfängerländer
- Tobias Urban (2012): Die Wirksamkeit ausländischer Direktinvestitionen auf das langfristige Wirtschaftswachstum Vietnams unter Berücksichtigung der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen
- Abisha Damba (2012): The Impact of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Framework on Beneficiary Participation in Aid Projects: A Case Study of a Humanitarian Aid Project in Zimbabwe
- Isaac Kwesi Eweh (2012): "Impact of the Ghana School Feeding Programme on Poverty Reduction: A Case Study in the Three Northern Regions of the Country
- Pocut Ismyati Vonda (2012): The Impact of Community Empowerment on the Income Situation of Project Beneficiaries. A Case Study: Skills Training Project in South Aceh District, Aceh Province, Indonesia
- Diana Hinburg (2012): Brain Drain, ein Wachstumshemmnis für Entwicklungsländer?
- Josephin Howold (2011): Der Zusammenhang zwischen Energieverbrauch/-produktion und Wirtschaftswachstum in Entwicklungsländern
- Carla Irena Swertz (2011): Energieerzeugung und–verteilung: Regulierungsansätze und Wettbewerbsintensität in China
- Kruja, Edlira (2010): The Impact of Infrastructure and Human Capital on Foreign Direct Investment: A Comparison of two Albanian Regions
- Christina Kläre (2010): Wachstumswirkungen der WM 2010 für Südafrika
- Bayor, Isaac (2009): The influence of community participation on the benefits of development projects: A Case Study of the Community Based Empowerment Project in Ghana