Wilhelm Löwenstein, Martina Shakya, and Marc Hansen attended the PLANT 2030 status seminar in Potsdam from March 4-6, 2015. Along with Prof. Andreas Bürkert from the University of Kassel, Wilhelm Löwenstein presented the research agenda and progress report of the research project UrbanFoodPlus (UFP) . Marc Hansen, research fellow and PhD IDS candidate, gave a short oral presentation of the contribution of the IEE to the UFP during an elevator pitch for young scientists. The research results of the UFP to date were also presented during a poster session at the status seminar, which was attended by more than 350 scientists.
Wilhelm Löwenstein presenting UFP at the status seminar in Potsdam (photo: IEE)
The UFP, a consortium of research partners from four German universities, twelve African institutions, and three international agricultural research centres, aims to explore technological options to enhance resource use efficiency in urban and peri-urban agriculture in West Africa. The IEE is contributing one sub-project of the UFP, which analyses the welfare implications of technology adoption on urban producers and consumers and resulting market effects. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under its research programme GlobE (Securing the Global Food Security) and was started in June 2013. Initially focusing on the two West African cities of Tamale (Ghana) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), the UFP will be extended to Bamako (Mali) and Bamenda (Cameroun) from the end of 2015, depending on a successful interim evaluation, of which the Potsdam status seminar was an essential part.Group picture of the PLANT 2030 status seminar in Potsdam (photo: BMBF)
For more information:http://www.urbanfoodplus.org/
Dr. Martina Shakya
Postdoctoral Fellow, Urban Food Plus
Phone +49-(0)234-32 25149