This year, the IEE welcomes again new student groups, both in Cape Town and Bochum, who start their studies in the MA in Development Management (MADM) programme. The new batch represents now the 7th intake (Cape Town group) and, respectively, 8th intake (Bochum group) of this interdisciplinary and international postgraduate programme. The MADM programme is well established and experiences a strong international demand, as evidenced by the corresponding figures of this upcoming intake.
New all-time record: 900 applications
We are particularly proud that the number of applications exceeded the number of applications we usually receive by far: Approximately 900 applications were submitted to the MADM programme either in Cape Town and/or Bochum. This figure surely represents a good indicator for the attractiveness of the programme. The continuously strong international recognition of the MADM can also be shown based on the – as usual – strong regional diversity of the new intake: in total, 34 students will pursue their studies within the next 18 months (9 students in Cape Town, 26 students in Bochum), stemming from 19 different nations all over the world (such as Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Indonesia, Mongolia, Palestine, Peru, and Syria...). In addition, the number of scholarships granted to our students speaks both to the high profile of the new candidates, and the positive recognition of the MADM programme by scholarship organisations: 22 of the new students (two thirds of the whole batch!) hold a scholarship from five different donor organisations. The German Academic Exchange Fund (DAAD) increased its number of scholarships of its EPOS programme granted to MADM students up to twelve candidates. Apart from this, scholarships are granted from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD), EUSA-ID mobility programme (as part of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union), and within the framework of the South African – German Centre for Development Research (SA-GER CDR).Cape Town and Bochum groups unite in September
The Cape Town group already started their first semester in May with an introductory tutorial in economics and a course dealing with the economic perspectives on development. After this first semester, the students will travel to Germany, meeting their student fellows from the Bochum group for a summer school in September. This summer school represents the starting point for the Bochum group, and their Cape Townian fellows will surely already have some interesting experiences to share.
We are looking forward to hosting our new MA students. Welcome students: a lot of work is ahead of you, but it is auspicious.
Dr. Tobias Thürer
Coordinator MADM
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22458
Fax: +49 (0)234 / 32-14294